The 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Luke 6:17, 20-26
VI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lucas 6,17, 20-26
Perseverance in prayer. This week take the time to pray each day.
Prayer connects us with God. The relationship that exists between God and us needs expression and attention. Time spent with God in prayer helps us to become closer to God.
Learning about The Holy Mass:
February 16, 2025
Feb 16: On the 22nd is the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, Apostle. Study: Lectio: Peter or watch: Saint Peter; Keys of the Kingdom: Understanding the Papacy; Keys to the Kingdom with Chris Padgett; or The Footprints of God- Peter. Listen to: Simon Called Peter.
16 de febrero: El día 22 es la fiesta de la Cátedra de San Pedro, Apóstol. Estudia: Lectio: Pedro o mira: San Pedro; Llaves del Reino: Entendiendo el Papado; Llaves del Reino con Chris Padgett; o Las Huellas de Dios - Pedro. Escucha: Simón llamado Pedro.
THE VEIL REMOVED: A short film that reveals the coming together of heaven and earth at Mass, as seen by saints and mystics, revealed by scripture and in the catechism of the Catholic Church.