This week we will be talking about the happiness with God!
In the Children’s workbook, Be My Disciples:
Read and complete chapter 17 pages 317 - 331
Open and Print Prayer Card (PDF File): /documents/2020/5/WB-spreads-1.pdf
Write your own prayers or use the prayer provided on the worksheet. Don’t forget to decorate! Once you are done, cut it out and share it with your family and/or friends.
Parable Reading:
Please read “The Two Sons.” Jesus reminds us that God is pleased with those who DO His will.
After you read the parable, you can watch a video based on the story.
"The Two Sons" Video :
Reflection question on "The Two Sons" text and video:
How did the first son follow his father’s will?
How did the father feel about the son that obeyed?
How did the father feel about the son that disobeyed?
How does God Feel When we say we’ll obey him and then don’t?
Have ablessed Week!
Ms Emily
Hello Parents and Students,
I hope you all are safe and healthy. Even though we are not able to be in class or attend Mass, always remember that Jesus is with us. He is right inside our hearts. Christians should never underestimate the power of prayer. We pray even when going through tough times and challenges of life. We need to take the time to pray each day. Have a conversation with Jesus; he is all ears. He is there to listen to you and give you comfort. When you pray every day, you are growing and strengthening your faith.
Another great way to strengthen your faith is to learn from Jesus. Learn about his teachings and love. Every Monday, I will be posting readings and activities to continue learning about Jesus. I encourage students and their families to work together with the activities.
Hope to see you all soon. Know I have you all in my prayers.
May God Bless you,
Ms. Emily Maldonado
Hola padres y estudiantes,
Espero que todos estén seguros y saludables. Aunque no podamos estar en clase o asistir a Misa, recuerde siempre que Jesús está con nosotros. Él está justo dentro de nuestros corazones. Los cristianos nunca deben subestimar el poder de la oración. Oramos incluso cuando pasamos por tiempos difíciles y desafíos de la vida. Necesitamos tomar el tiempo para rezar cada día. Ten una conversación con Jesús; Él es todo oídos. Él está allí para escucharte y brindarte consuelo. Cuando oras todos los días, estás creciendo y fortaleciendo nuestra fe.
Otra gran manera de fortalecer nuestra fe es aprender de Jesús. Aprende sobre sus enseñanzas y amor. Todos los lunes, publicaré lecturas y actividades para seguir aprendiendo sobre Jesús. Animo a los estudiantes y sus familias a trabajar juntos con las actividades.
Espero verlos a todos pronto. Se que los tengo a todos en mis oraciones.
Que Dios te bendiga,
Ms. Emily Maldonado
This Week:
In Student Workbook: Be My Disciples
DO: Be the hands of the Jesus by writing and mailing a Thank You letter to nurses in your local nursing home.
Esta semana:
En el libro de trabajo: Sé mis discípulos
HAGA: Sea la mano de Jesús escribiendo y enviando por correo una carta de gracias para enfermeras en hogar de ancianos local.
Dear Children, this Week:
READ Chapter 24 p439-445
PRAY The Rosary.
Queridos hijos, esta semana:
LEER Capítulo 24 p439-445
TAREA p447
ORAR El Rosario.https: // V = yg3XpfrM6hM