Dear Parents and Children / Queridos Padres y Niños;
This week we will finish Session 1 in the online preparation reconciliation program, BLESSED. We will continue to post our remote lessons so that we continue this faith journey together.
Esta semana terminaremos la Sesión 1 en el programa de reconciliación de preparación en línea, BENDITO. Continuaremos publicando nuestras lecciones remotas para continuar juntos este viaje de fe.
Peace be with you / La paz sea contigo, Irma
Episode 6: of Session 1: I AM BLESSED, I AM GRATEFUL
In the BLESSED Workbook: READ p16 - 17
WATCH Episode 6 I am Blessed, I am Grateful
Homework: in BLESSED Workbook
P.18 Complete Show What You Know pages
P. 19 Journal with Jesus:
Dear Jesus, I am so blessed because . . .
Closing Prayer: p20 in BLESSED Workbook
One of the most famous prayers is Mary’s song of gratitude, called the Magnificat:
Please pray with your entire family.