Lesson for today:
We celebrate Mary this month of May – Use this coloring sheet to help us remember how Mary is the mother of the whole church.
Each member of the Church has important gifts and talents to share with the whole church. We are called to be part of the Church and an important way we gather as Church is to go to Mass and receive the Eucharist. Watch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICDdm-NqtoQ
Questions for reflection: What does the baker and his son learn about the Mass? What have you learned about the Mass since not being able to go to the Church building every Sunday? Is this situation helping you understand the weight of a Mass?
Dear Parent and Children,
God wants us to be at peace and to give peace to others. We can do this by loving each other, by doing kind acts for others and praying for others. This week make a prayer list and pray for your family and friends and pray for peace for the.
Blessings, Irma
Pray the Hail Mary
Bonus Coloring: /documents/2020/5/Rosary-4.jpeg
If you have a printer you can print and color this to help you learn how to pray the rosary.
Estimado padre y niño,
Dios quiere que estemos en paz y que demos paz a los demás. Podemos hacer esto amándonos, haciendo actos amables por los demás y orando por los demás. Esta semana haga una lista de oración y ore por su familia y amigos y ore por la paz para el.
Bendiciones, Irma
Tu lección semanal: Capítulo 14: Somos pacificadores
Leer p259-271
Complete todas las preguntas y actividades p259-271
Reza el Ave María
Coloración de bonificación: /documents/2020/5/Rosary-4.jpeg
Si tiene una impresora, puede imprimirla y colorearla para ayudarlo a aprender cómo rezar el rosario.
Weekly Assignment:
Watch: The Good Shepherd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar732X9uO3I
Draw: Picture of Jesus taking care of his sheep.
Asignación semanal:
Mira: El buen pastor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar732X9uO3I
Dibujo: Imagen de Jesús cuidando a sus ovejas.
Children, this week:
READ p249-251 and COMPLETE questions & activities.
PRAY The Rosary each day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg3XpfrM6hM
God Bless You!
Niños, esta semana:
LEA p249-251 COMPLETE las preguntas y actividades.
ORA el Rosario cada día: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg3XpfrM6hM
¡Dios te bendiga
Dear Parents / Queridos Padres, from catechist Carol Schiro:
In your Student Workbook: Be My Disciples:
READ ch11 p201-209. Complete p211,213 for homework.
PRAY the Rosary for the world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg3XpfrM6hM
En su libro de trabajo del estudiante: Sea mis discípulos:
LEER ch11 p201-209. Completa p211,213 para la tarea.
Reza el Rosario por el mundo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg3XpfrM6hM
Dear Parents / Queridos Padres, from catechist Carol Schiro:
In your Student Workbook: Be My Disciples:
Read p239, Complete p241. Read Ch13 p243-251 completing all activities. Include "Flat Jesus" when you prayers each day! Peace.
Esta semana:
En su libro de trabajo del estudiante: Sea mis discípulos:
Lea p239, complete p241. Lea capítulo 13 p243-251 completando todas las actividades. ¡Incluya a "Jesús plano" cuando reza 3 Avemarías cada día! Paz