Weekly Confirmation Class from Paul Hotovy:
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Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6qi393Z7L8
1. Describe the one location in the video that you most would like to visit. What about it is beautiful? Why do you want to go there?
2. Pick a person or group from the video and describe what they might be thinking. How is their activity in this video similar or different from yours.
The Church Part II
3. Look up a definition in a dictionary of the word, “creed”.
A.Write down the definition here.
B.During mass, we all recite the Nicene Creed (which is a list of everything we as Catholics believe). When during Mass do we say the Nicene Creed? You will have to look this up and say it is after _____________ and before _______________ during Mass.
C.Read the Nicene Creed and fill in the blanks: “I believe in one, ________________, catholic, and __________________ Church.
Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78ZZ4FGbAH0
4. What are the 4 “marks” of the Catholic Church?
5. The Church is ONE
A. Why does God give each person different gifts?
B.In St. John Bosco Church in Portchester, how do the priests help the church? What other groups of people help the Church? {Think before the pandemic}
C.What is one gift (characteristic about yourself) that you have?
D.How can you use this gift to help the Church?
6. The Church is HOLY
A.What is the type of “holiness” that is meant here?
7. The Church is CATHOLIC
A.The word “catholic” literally means __________________?
B. The Catholic Church is meant for _____________________.
8. The Church is APOSTOLIC
A.To what group of 12 people did Jesus give authority to lead the Church?
B.Pope Francis can trace his power back to what apostle?
9. What is one piece of advice that you can give me, Mr. Paul, to help me to become a better-version-of-myself during the rest of quarantine? [Please make is specific, not something bland like “be nice to people”]
1. What is your favorite song? When did you first listen to it? What is the message of the song?
2. When you hear the word “Church”, what are the first five words that come to your mind? Write down these five words.
The Church
3. Do people need community(“people to do life with”)?
4. Who or what is the Church? Why is it a problem when you do not show up or participate in Church[I am talking about before the quarantine]?
5. What was life like for the first Christians[Right after Jesus’ death]?
6. Why were non-Christians attracted to the early Christians? What made Christians different from everyone else?
7. As the Church, how can we show more agape love to people? Give specific ideas.
8. In a non-sexual way, what are five characteristics that you find attractive in people? (Examples: Serious, good listener, fun…)
9. In what ways is the modern-world “cold, brutal, impersonal, and ruled by self-interest”?
10. What do you think is happening in the picture below? Why do you think Pope Francis is acting like this?
Dear Students and Parents,
I hope that you had a great week. This weekend is going to be sunny, so I hope everyone can got outside for a while. Also, by watching Mass on Sunday, you can keep your faith strong as a family. The church's Youtube channel is " donboscoportchester". You can watch mass there on Sunday. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH_afxqcQz9K065wYunu-ow
Below is the lesson for this week. It is a little challenging but very profound.
God Bless, Mr. Paul
May is the month of Mary.
Your goal for this week is to pray a rosary with your family.
Teacher notes: The word “love” is a tricky one because it can mean many different things. I would say that, “Wow, I love mint chocolate chip ice cream. It tastes so good.” But I would also say that, “I love my parents. I would do anything for them.” The word love in these two sentences means totally different things. The Greeks had four words for love. will explain each a little below: