Lesson for today:
We celebrate Mary this month of May – Use this coloring sheet to help us remember how Mary is the mother of the whole church.
Each member of the Church has important gifts and talents to share with the whole church. We are called to be part of the Church and an important way we gather as Church is to go to Mass and receive the Eucharist. Watch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICDdm-NqtoQ
Questions for reflection: What does the baker and his son learn about the Mass? What have you learned about the Mass since not being able to go to the Church building every Sunday? Is this situation helping you understand the weight of a Mass?
Dear Parents and Children;
As we continue this faith journey together, this week's lesson will forcus on living the Gospel message from this Sunday's Mass.
While we cannot gather in person for Mass at this time, please attend virtual Sunday Mass each Sunday as a faith community.Our parish is live-streaming mass every Sundays. If you wish to participate in Mass as it is celebrated, or if you wish to watch the recording of the mass at a later time, here are the links: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/donboscopcny
Youtube Channel: donboscoportchester
Peace be with you, Irma
Here is your Weekly Lesson:
Living the Gospel Message for the Week:
Watch: "I Am" The Way the Truth and the Life - John 14
Homework: Taken from the Family Faith at Home Sheet
Think of ways you can honor your earthly mother this week. For example: write a letter thanking your mother for all she has done and is doing for you; create a greeting card; make a book of coupons - each coupon offering a different little gift.
Place a statue or picture of Mary on a table. Fill a small vase with water and some flowers from the garden or draw some flowers or cut flowers from a magazine for her. Light a small candle and pray the rosary as a family in honor of Mary.
Dear children, Learn about Pope Francis
WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rHL4P1_GFM
PRAY The Rosary.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg3XpfrM6hM
Niños, aprendan sobre el papa Francisco
MIRAR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rHL4P1_GFM
ORAR El Rosario.https: //www.youtube.com/watch? V = yg3XpfrM6hM